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The Coach Says | Magan Magan

Your mother’s words appear to be

as light as the spec of dust in your eye.

Even as you stagger through life pretending

to be unaffected by the salt in your mother's love

you catch loneliness looking at you

with a quiet entitlement.

And though the spec in your eye

is an ant to a mouse,

the vision in your eyes collapse

like two mountains eroding in a desert

as you sit in the tired living room

of hers listening to her tell you

how long it took her

to give birth to you.

What is destroyed in you that your

faint fingers scurry into your pockets

instead of pointing to what is killing you?

Is it growth you seek?

Is it connection you seek?

Is it meaning you seek?

Then you must remain

still and allow the raw

spin in your gut guide you.

Your mother was only a vessel

for your wild entrance into this earth

and you must make it out

of her house alive,

the same way you did

when she gave birth to you.

Magan Magan is the author of From Grains to Gold (Vulgar Press, 2018). He was a co-editor of the anthology Growing Up African In Australia (Black Inc, 2019). Magan is currently undertaking an honours degree at The University of Melbourne looking at poetry as a roadmap towards self-healing after narcissistic abuse.

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