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a mineral ... | Chantelle Mitchell

a mineral, a feather, a presolar beacon

cold light reflects off the surface

a shimmer in the dark well above

vibrant matter to gleam or glean


satellite a future fossil

hovering like one of those unidentified

flying objects tho we know this is not flying

it is an orbit in rotation

the slow growth of a tree ring

a message for the dendrochronologist

sawing down the forests

and reading atomic traces of the past

over us like a scythe

these future fossils

dug out of earth spun like gold

a Rumpelstiltskin journey control and atmospheric politics

I want to ask you

to call up our lost friend Lasseter

and tell him that the reef is floating above

encourage him to strap on those Icarus wings

meet our maker fossick thru

the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the sky

each satellite a cipher each satellite a tree ring

or a coal seam geosynchronous and orbiting with us

a following a refrain of loving and of grace

very kind and committed

these future fossils to be looking down upon us

like angels or like mothers

Chantelle Mitchell is an early career researcher, writer and curator. Her practice leverages fragmentary and archival approaches, addressing structure and place in the Anthropocene/Chthulucene. Her work has been published by The Lifted Brow, the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Marrickville Pause, Plumwood Mountain Journal and others.

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