My mother told
how the red fox
came visiting that winter
My father found
her one night
in the lean-to kitchen
amber eyes alight
After that
they spent time together
standing side-by-side
considering the day’s scraps
That was the way
she loved him most −
gentling wild animals
If he was still here
I could tell him
about the honeyeater
who flew inside
How, washing up,
I heard the rush of wings
and swift turning
saw her curved beak
When I slid
the double-doors open
she returned
to the summer garden
Our tandem hearts
to the same steady beat
Rozanna Lilley’s poetry has appeared in newspapers, literary journals and anthologies. Her hybrid prose-poetry memoir, Do Oysters Get Bored? A Curious Life (UWA Publishing, 2018), was shortlisted for the National Biography Award in 2019. A poetry collection, The Lady in the Bottle, will be published by Eyewear in the UK in 2021.